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Police searching for second vehicle following Penzance attempted murder

Falmouth Packet | West Cornwall - Thu, 30/03/2017 - 11:29
Police investigating a stabbing and beating in Penzance are asking the public for information about two cars they believe were involved in the attack.
Categories: West Cornwall News

'Immature and controlling' Jack Emmanuel locked ex-girlfriend...

The Cornishman Hayle RSS feed - Thu, 30/03/2017 - 08:37
An "immature, unpleasant and controlling" young man who falsely imprisoned his ex-girlfriend and then torched some of her cherished possessions when their relationship came to an end has avoided a prison sentence. Jack Emmanuel, 21, of Queensway in Hayle, appeared at Truro Crown Court this week after previously being found guilty by a jury of unlawful imprisonment and criminal damage. The court heard how in the summer of 2015 Emmanuel locked then girlfriend inside their Falmouth...

'Immature and controlling' Jack Emmanuel locked ex-girlfriend...

Categories: Hayle News

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Official Hospitality | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

All expenditure within Core Defra relating to hospitality, food and drink is categorised within the Department’s finance system under the single heading ‘Catering and Hospitality’. Therefore, identifying the separate amounts could only be achieved at disproportionate cost. For this reason, the table below sets out the information requested but incorporates combined figures for b) hospitality and c) food and drink.













Hospitality, food and drink












Members: Correspondence | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

A reply was sent on 1 March via e-mail to the Parliamentary Office of the hon. Member for Glasgow Central. Unfortunately, due to a mistype in the address, the reply may not have been received. It has now been resent correctly addressed.

Dogs: Animal Welfare | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

An amended statutory Code of Practice for the Welfare of Dogs will be placed before Parliament later this year. We propose to include in it a specific reference to the circumstances under which electronic training aids and similar devices for dogs can be used.

Dogs: Sales | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

Following a consultation last year, Defra published a Next Steps document in February 2017 which set out proposals to improve local authority animal licencing schemes, including on pet sales, to enhance animal welfare. We propose to make it an offence to sell puppies and kittens aged younger than eight weeks.

We will also require all licensed pet shops and all other pet vendors to comply with statutory welfare conditions which raise animal welfare standards.

Agriculture: Subsidies | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

The Government has guaranteed that the agricultural sector will receive the same level of funding that it would have received under Pillar 1 of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) until the end of the Multi-Annual Financial Framework in 2020.

The annual value of the Pillar 1 budget fluctuates with currency movements but the UK budgetary ceiling for 2019/2020 will be approximately €3.2billion. The scheme regulations do not set a minimum level of spend.

Slaughterhouses: Animal Welfare | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

Investigation into welfare incidents that occur at slaughterhouses are the responsibility of the FSA. Where welfare breaches are identified relating to the transportation of the animals at slaughterhouses, the FSA will notify the relevant Local Authority Trading Standards office which are responsible for enforcing the welfare of animals during transport legislation.

Defra is currently working with local authorities and the Animal Plant Health Agency (APHA) to improve the enforcement action taken against transporters where animals are found to be injured or dead on arrival at a slaughterhouse. As part of this initiative, APHA have issued a number of warning letters to transporters, to explain that any further non-compliance identified at slaughterhouses would result in regulatory action being taken against them.

Livestock: Dogs | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

Under the Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953, the maximum penalty for dog attacks on livestock is a fine of up to £1000. Currently there are no plans to increase this penalty.

As part of addressing dog attacks on livestock, Defra and the Animal Health and Welfare Board for England recently met police forces, and farming and rural interests to discuss the situation. Under the auspices of the National Police Chiefs’ Council five police forces are collaborating to pilot good response practices.

Fisheries: EU Law | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

We are currently analysing all EU fisheries legislation. No decision has yet been made on the extent to which the EU legislation governing the Common Fisheries Policy will be incorporated into domestic law.

Livestock: Dogs | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

The Government is aware of the devastating effect that dog attacks on livestock can have for farmers and other livestock keepers including in terms of significant financial loss. Data on the total costs are not collected centrally. Defra and the Animal Health and Welfare Board for England (AHWBE) recently met police forces, farming and rural interests to discuss the situation. Under the auspices of the National Police Chiefs’ Council, five police forces are collaborating to pilot more systematic data collection of incidents and good response practices.

Dairy Farming: Research | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

The table below shows the total value of dairy focused science projects for each of the last 5 financial years. This does not include proposed spend for this financial year.






£ 1,551,115

£ 1,325,926

£ 709,378

£ 652,394

£ 639,389

Savings from core Defra’s programme evidence budgets have contributed to reducing the fiscal deficit along with all areas within the department. Defra’s Chief Scientific Adviser ensures investment in evidence is targeted at key priorities, offers value for money and maintains our critical capabilities required in emergencies. In addition, the primary responsibility for R&D funding for the dairy industry rests with AHDB Dairy which spends approximately £4.1 million a year on research and knowledge exchange.

Agriculture: Trade Competitiveness | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

This Government is supporting the farming industry’s efforts to improve efficiency and competitiveness. Through the Agri-Tech Strategy launched in 2013, we have made a £140 million investment to increase the pace and scale of uptake of agricultural innovation by farmers. We are working with industry to treble the number of apprenticeships in food and farming by 2020, helping young people into an increasingly high-tech, rewarding sector.

Excess regulations and red tape reduce the competitiveness of farmers. We have already cut 4,000 farm inspections this year and aim to remove 20,000 by 2020; by the end of this Parliament, we will have saved farm businesses £470 million worth of unnecessary costs. A total of £138 million is available in England between 2015 and 2020 under the LEADER scheme aimed at supporting farm productivity amongst other priorities.

Leaving the EU provides us with an opportunity to redesign our agricultural policy so that it works for the UK, making farming more profitable, competitive and environmentally sustainable.

Cake Bake Sale at St Austell Golf Club

Cornwall Hospice Care: What's On: - Tue, 28/03/2017 - 10:19
Launching Cornwall Hospice Care's Cake Bake Big Weekend. We are also the chosen charity of the year for the ladies team at St Austell Golf Club
Categories: West Cornwall News

Easter Coffee Morning at Marazion Hotel

Cornwall Hospice Care: What's On: - Tue, 28/03/2017 - 10:10
Marazion fundraising group are holding an Easter Coffee Morning at The Marazion Hotel. Entry is £2 and there will be stalls selling items, cakes, new goods, flowers, tombola and there will be a Grand Easter Draw
Categories: West Cornwall News

Food Supply | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

In the most recently published figures the UK production to supply ratio for all food is 61% and for indigenous food 76%. These figures have been relatively constant over the previous 10 years.

All food %

Indigenous type food %


































The Production to Supply ratio is published annually in the “Agriculture in the UK” statistical publication.

Agriculture and Environment | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

We are committed to publishing both a 25 year environment plan and food and farming plan during this Parliament to support our twin ambitions of being the first generation to leave the natural environment of England in a better state than that in which we found it, and to become a world leading food, farming and fishing nation: to grow more, sell more and export more British food. The plans are closely linked and we are starting a period of extensive engagement with a wide range of stakeholders to inform development of the full plans.

Agriculture: Wales | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

Work is ongoing to understand the implications for the UK of leaving the EU under a range of scenarios. We are determined to get the best possible deal for the UK in our negotiations to leave the EU, which allows frictionless trade in goods and services and the opportunity to reach new agreements with countries around the world.

Badger Culling - [Mr Gary Streeter in the Chair] | Westminster Hall debates

One of the challenges of TB is that it is a bacterial disease, and it is notoriously hard to get vaccines to work in that context, whereas with a virus, if the vaccine is cracked, the virus is cracked—as with, for example, the Schmallenberg vaccine. We have to recognise that despite decades of medical research, the best TB vaccine available is still the BCG. As I have said, however, we are spending millions of pounds on research to develop an oral bait that badgers would take and that would immunise them. As the hon. Member for Newport West pointed out correctly, if we can get the vaccination right, a herd effect in badgers could pass on the immunity. We are also in the very early stages of looking at the notion of self-disseminating vaccination with a positive, contagious vaccine that could spread through the badger population. My hon. Friend the Member for The Cotswolds is right that that is an important area of research, but I go back to what I said at the beginning: vaccination is only one of our tools for bearing down on the disease. I am afraid, however, that a badger cull is an essential part of any coherent strategy to eradicate TB. That is why we are continuing with the policy.

A number of hon. Members mentioned the BVA and its comments on the free shooting of badgers. As I said before, I live quite near Bushy Park, across the bridge from Kingston, and every autumn a sign is put on the gate stating, “The park is closed today because a deer cull is going on.” No one bats an eyelid. People do not say, “This is terrible”, and we do not get protesters running around dressed up as deer or in the middle of the night, trying to disrupt things. People seem to accept that.

I put it to hon. Members that we have to keep some sense of perspective. We are trying to fight a difficult disease and the veterinary advice is clear: a badger cull has to be part of any approach to eradicating that disease. Is it really that different from the approach that we take to controlling other wildlife, such as foxes, or deer in royal parks?

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