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Dog Fighting | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

The maximum penalties for animal welfare offences are kept under regular review. The Sentencing Council has very recently published revised magistrate’s court sentencing guidelines, including those in relation to animal welfare offences, which include dog fighting, with the aim of ensuring that the most serious cases of animal cruelty receive appropriately severe penalties within the available maximum penalty.

Veterinary Services: Migrant Workers | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons already has a statutory examination for non-EU registrants whose examinations are not automatically recognised by the College. Applicants must reach level 7 of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) before applying to sit this exam. Government is currently reviewing the content of the EU Mutual Recognition Directive.

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Procurement | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

The 14 civil servants are employed in the following grades.


Number of staff

Grade 6


Grade 7


Senior Executive Officer


Higher Executive Officer


Slaughterhouses: Animal Welfare | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

The Government encourages the highest standards of welfare at slaughter. The Government would prefer all animals to be stunned before slaughter but respects the right of the Jewish and Muslim communities to eat meat prepared in accordance with their religious beliefs.

Official veterinarians (OVs) from the Food Standards Agency (FSA) are present in all approved slaughterhouses in England and take a prompt, proportionate and risk based approach to enforcement action when animal welfare breaches are identified.

Defra works closely with the FSA to ensure that the welfare of animals is protected in all slaughterhouses. There is a wide ranging, systemic programme of animal welfare monitoring activity including strengthened verification of compliance through the establishment of welfare assurance teams; a welfare themed audit programme; targeted unannounced inspections; additional checks for non-compliant business operators; and improved education and instruction through an animal welfare publicity campaign in slaughterhouses.

Dogs: Animal Breeding | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

Last month, the Government published its Next Steps document which set out proposals for modernising the licensing of the breeding and selling of dogs in England. The Government proposes that anyone breeding and selling three or more litters of dogs in a twelve month period will need a licence. The majority of responses to our earlier consultation supported this proposal which strikes the right balance between being reasonable to enforce, providing a proportionate response and helping to target regulatory effort on those breeders producing dogs on a commercial basis.

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Migrant Workers | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

All Government Departments are bound by legal requirements concerning the right to work in the UK and, in addition, the Civil Service Nationality Rules.

Evidence of nationality is checked at the point of recruitment into the Civil Service as part of wider pre-employment checks, but there is no requirement on departments to retain this information beyond the point at which it has served its purpose.

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Work Experience | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

Defra does not retain details centrally on the number of work placements in the Department and to identify the information requested could only be obtained at disproportionate cost.

Motorist claims dog ate his glasses after driving dangerously from Hayle to Chiverton Cross

Falmouth Packet | West Cornwall - Mon, 20/03/2017 - 18:23
A Penzance pensioner caught driving erratically with full beam headlights and forcing other motorists to swerve told magistrates his dog ate his glasses and he had a bad cough.
Categories: West Cornwall News

Porthleven’s Great Baulk Auction raises over £40k for the Fishermen’s Mission

Cllr Andrew Wallis - Mon, 20/03/2017 - 10:52

Back in 2014, Porthleven was subjected to a series of storms that few will forget. Porthleven seemed to face the brunt of these storms that resulted in substantial damage not only to the harbour, but to the moored boats in the inner-harbour when the baulks that protected them gave-way, and allowed the seas to wreak havoc in the now unprotected inner-harbour.

In a stroke of genius, Julian Waring, who works for the Fishermen’s Mission, came up with the ideal of using the broken baulks to raise funds for the Mission. Artists and craft people both near and far turned the baulk wood into items that included paintings, drawings, benches, candle holders and other wonderful items. In total, over 160 pieces of work were made from the baulks.

The huge crowds gathered.

From this, Julian and his small committee put a plan in place to auction all this work off in one big charity auction. This auction took place this past Saturday on the harbour head. The auction was led by the excellent David Lay – David for near five-hours entertained the hundreds of people gathered in Porthleven CIC’s marquee with a bar and food by the Atlantic Inn and staging and lighting provided by Impact.

Back stage

It was amazing to be part of this auction and see how generous people were in not only having a bit of Porthleven history, but more importantly raising a staggering £40,315 from the 163 lots in the auction for the Fishermen’s Mission. The huge amount of money raised is still sinking in.

Julian and his committee have done an amazing job in pulling this off. They should be very proud of this work, as should Porthleven be proud of them. Whilst the committee deserve our praise, this fundraiser could not have been achieved without the generosity of all those artists and crafts people who turned a bit of wood in to art and gave their time for free. Thanks everyone else who was involved in doing their bit – like helping to set up the marquee and provide internet etc. Huge thanks must go to David Lay and his team for running the auction, especially the online part of it.

Saturday 18th of March 2017 will be one of those days long remembered in Porthleven for doing something great. A proud day for Porthleven, its residents and visitors.

Categories: Local Politics

European Maritime and Fisheries Fund | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

Defra officials will be working with the Department for Exiting the EU to look at future policies for fisheries. We will continue to work closely with relevant industry and other key stakeholders to develop these new arrangements. As part of this work consideration will be given to support provided to the fisheries community.

European Maritime and Fisheries Fund | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

The UK was allocated €243 million in the current programme for the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), with €45 million for enforcement, €52 million for data collection, €19 million for aquaculture and €127 million for other investments. The Government has guaranteed access to these funds up until the point we leave the EU.

Agriculture | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

The Government has guaranteed that the agricultural sector will receive the same level of funding that it would have received under Pillar 1 of the Common Agricultural Policy until the end of the Multi-Annual Financial Framework in 2020. No decisions have yet been taken about how that budget will be managed in the period between the UK leaving the EU and 2020.

Fish | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

The information requested on the total value of trade in fish and fish products (excluding fish oils, fish flour and meals) taken from the information collected by HM Revenue and Customs is given in the table below, for the ten years of 2006 to 2015 inclusive. Comparable data for trade in 2016 is not yet available.

Value of UK trade in fish and fish products (£million - exc. Fish oils and fish flour and meals)

Imports into the UK From:

Exports from the UK to:



Total imports



Total exports







































































Mount to Mont Cycle Ride 4th to 8th October 2017

Cornwall Hospice Care: What's On: - Thu, 16/03/2017 - 14:56
Wednesday 4th to Sunday 8th October 2017 Mount to Mont Cycle 2017 New for 2017 and limited to just 50 places, the Cornwall Hospice Care Mount to Mont Cycle is a fully supported event like no other. Departing from the iconic Cornish landmark St Michael’s Mount and finishing at Mont Saint Michel in Normandy, France, this five day adventure promises challenging climbs and descents, stunning Cornish and French costal and countryside scenery, and an unbeatable feel good factor for supporting your local hospice. You don’t need to be fanatical about fitness to take on this challenge. Many cyclist will be just like you and may not have done anything like this before. The dedicated fundraising team at Cornwall Hospice Care and the experienced tour operator will help you every pedal stroke of the way to make sure your 290 mile adventure is unforgettable whilst doing something truly amazing for your community. Cornwall Hospice Care receives some of the lowest levels of healt...
Categories: West Cornwall News

Do you want to be Porthleven’s next Town Warden?

Cllr Andrew Wallis - Thu, 16/03/2017 - 14:46

Porthleven Town Council is seeking a new town warden after Rod Barnes retired. Rod did an excellent job as Porthleven’s first town warden, but we need someone to fill those boots.

The role will undertake regular patrols of the Town in order to ensure it is a safe and clean environment. The town warden will assist visitors with information about the facilities within the Town. The warden will keep the streets litter and graffiti free, will deter anti-social behaviour and support enforcement officers as required. The warden will work with the
police to reduce crime and the fear of crime and work with the emergency services
and others to maintain a safe environment.

Main Objectives:
1. To patrol Porthleven to:
a) Ensure the Town is as clean, green and safe as possible.
b) Identify potential problems.
c) Get to know members of the community and respond to their enquiries and
d) Encourage responsible behaviour of people visiting the Porthleven.
2. To provide information to the public that will enable them to get the most from their visit to Porthleven. This will include giving directions, information about amenities, shops, food
outlets, licensed premises, car parking, public conveniences etc.
3. Assist with Town events, as directed by the Town Council.
4. To help keep the streets and roads clean and tidy through regular litter picking, weeding,
graffiti and fly posting control.
6. To carry out condition surveys of Council owned furniture, buildings and areas.
7. To undertake training to issue Fixed Penalty Notices for dog fouling / littering offences.
8. To ensure the Council Chamber / Offices are clean and presentable.
9. To complete any minor repairs / decorating as directed by Town Clerk.
10. To conduct daily checks on all public conveniences and report any issues to Town Clerk.
11. To liaise with the local Biffa Street Cleaning Team to ensure a clean and safe environment for both residents and visitors to Porthleven.
12. To liaise with the local Police Community Support Officer to report any problems within Porthleven.
13. To undertake any other duties appropriate which contribute to the general objective of the post.

The Town Warden will be expected to wear a uniform, provided by the Town Council, at all times when on duty and protective clothing when necessary and to:
a) Ensure safe working practices in accordance with guidelines laid down by the Health and Safety Executive.
b) Attend training courses and meetings when requested.
The job involves regular evening and weekend work.

The Town Council reserve the right to complete a Criminal Records Bureau check. No formal qualifications are required for this post although, good communication skills are necessary. A good geographical knowledge of Porthleven is also essential.

Any successful candidate for the role will be expected to work at least 20 hours per week and will be paid £9 per hour. It is a permanent position.

Anyone interested in the position will need to contact the Town Clerk for further details at or 01326 573154 (please do not send a pm via facebook) Deadline for submission of completed applications Friday 24th March.

Categories: Local Politics

Agriculture | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

We will continue to work closely with the Devolved Administrations as well as stakeholders in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland – seeking to benefit from shared learning in order to achieve our vision of building a world leading food and farming nation.

The views of the devolved nations will play an important part in helping shape our preparations for exit and achieving arrangements that work for all parts of the UK.

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Scotland | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

We will seek to agree a UK approach to the negotiations and ensure we get the best possible deal for the whole of the UK. We have committed to carefully considering any proposals the devolved administrations put forward. The Secretary of State visited Edinburgh in February to meet with Ministers from all the Devolved Administrations to give them every opportunity to have their say as we form our negotiating strategy.

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Staff | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

Defra is amongst those Government departments whose work is most closely linked to and impacted by EU activity, legal frameworks and funding. In terms of work arising from the UK’s vote to leave the EU, some 80% of Defra’s work is framed by EU legislation and a quarter of EU laws apply to Defra’s sectors. Many roles across the Defra group are now supporting EU exit-related work, either directly or indirectly.

As with all departments, Defra’s work programmes and recruitment plans are continually kept under review ‪to ensure we are appropriately staffed to deal with the task at hand. The resourcing of EU Exit work is a key priority of the Department and will be subject to on-going assessment. Staffing resources will be deployed flexibly across the entire Defra agenda, including work on our farming and fisheries policy.

Bovine Tuberculosis: Disease Control | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

In 2016 more than 29,000 cattle were compulsory slaughtered in England due to the discovery of bovine TB following surveillance testing. On average six reactors are found and slaughtered from testing where bovine TB is detected in a herd. As the comprehensive bovine TB testing surveillance regime ensures most bovine TB incidents are detected at an early stage, it is very rare for cattle herds to be fully slaughtered for bovine TB control reasons in England. There have been four such cases in England in the past five years.

Year of incident

Herd size










122 & 25

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