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Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Security | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

Civil servants have to have the ability to work flexibly across government sites where there is a business need to do so. The issuing of all passes is controlled by the local Departmental Security teams. Passes can also be issued to contractors or secondees based within Government premises on a case by case basis in regards to specific business needs. Numbers of passes issued directly to non-civil servants for access to departmental buildings will fluctuate over the course of a year.

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Brexit | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

Defra is planning to publish two Green Papers, one on our 25 year plan for the environment, and one on our 25 year plan for food, farming and fisheries. The Department is considering options for legislative and non-legislative measures to achieve a smooth and orderly exit from the EU, including through the Great Repeal Bill. We will confirm plans in due course.

Pets: Imports | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

The commercial data was extracted from the Trade Control and Expert System (TRACES) and the pet data was taken from APHA’s system for recording pets entering the UK, based on information provided by pet checkers.

In some cases imports are recorded on TRACES as “Canis familiaris / Felis catus”, so APHA are unable to distinguish between cat or dog imports. These are included on the table in row “Mixed cats/dogs”.












Mixed cats/dogs



Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Pay | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

The Office for National Statistics publish annually the highest and median salary for each Civil Service organisation as part of the Civil Service Statistics. This information can be found on the Office for National Statistics website:

Earning levels for the lowest paid employees are not publically available.

Planning application for Shipyard building is now live

Cllr Andrew Wallis - Mon, 06/02/2017 - 16:49


The planning application for the new building located in what is commonly known as the Shipyard is now live after it has been validated and has an official planning reference number. I am sure this application will be of interest to those near and far; as it is quite a fundamental change to what is currently located in the Shipyard.

The planning reference number is PA17/00573 and all the detail on the application can be found HERE.

There has been a pre-application on this proposal and Cornwall Council gave advice and whilst “there is support in principle from a planning perspective for development within this area of the Shipyard”. However, the Council’s advice raised a number of issues that needed to addressed

  • There is potential conflict in views from the harbour towards the town between the building proposed and the Grade II* Methodist Chapel.
  • The loss of the historic wall to the West of the site to facilitate access by service and good vehicles has potential to result in the loss of significant element of historic fabric”
  • The site lies within Flood Zone 3” The proposed finish floor level of the ground floor is raised to 7.00m which is similar to the adjacent building to the west.

In the Design, Access and Heritage Statement (Click HERE), it says these concerns have been addressed.

My advice would be for everyone to read the planning documents, attend the public consultation arranged by the applicant, and take part in the official public consultation (which is live now) making your views know to both Cornwall Council and Porthleven Town Council.

The building elevations

Layout of the Shipyard Building

Categories: Local Politics

Porthleven hit by ‘Storm’ Doris but still raises funds for The Fishermen’s Mission

Cllr Andrew Wallis - Mon, 06/02/2017 - 12:49

Three-years ago, Porthleven was hit by a series of storms that did serious damage to the harbour infrastructure, including smashing the baulks that protect the inner-harbour. The loss of the baulks resulted in boats being at the mercy of the raging sea and several were sunk on their moorings (blog posts HERE).

Roll-on almost three-years to the day, Porthleven was again hit by ‘Storm’ Doris, which whilst not the same intensity as previous storms, it was still powerful with huge swells and waves hitting the coastline. Damage was limited, but one of the baulks that protect the inner-harbour was split.

However, this weekend was the start of a series of fund-raisers for The Fishermen’s Mission. In a stroke of genius, the smashed baulks from three-years ago, are being painted, carved, printed etc. by various local and nationally celebrated artists and craft persons. These pieces of work, will be auctioned at a special event on the 18th March. More details can be found on Facebook HERE and on the Fishermen’s Mission site HERE.

The first fund-raiser was an evening of entertainment by the Cornish comic Kernow King. He entertained over 150 people in Porthleven’s Public Hall. In an amazing token of generosity, Kernow King waved his fee, and therefore, over £1000 was raised from this one event alone.

Getting ready for Kernow King

The second event was to showcase work from many of those who have created something on the damaged baulks, prior to the auction. In a very creative way, the artists work was projected onto the iconic Bickford-Smith Institute at dusk.

One of the artists work being projected onto the Bickford-Smith Institute

Categories: Local Politics

Cornwall Council’s City of Culture bid is under further scrutiny

Cllr Andrew Wallis - Fri, 03/02/2017 - 17:15

This Friday, the Monitoring Officer (top legal bod) has sent an email to all Cornwall Councillors informing them that the decision made by Cornwall Council’s Cabinet on allocating £536k to the EU Capital of Culture bid has been ‘called in’ as follows:

I am writing to formally advise you that I have agreed to the Request For Call-In in respect of the Cabinet decision regarding the EU Capital of Culture Bid on 25 January.

The Grounds for call-in were that:

  • That there has been inadequate consultation with stakeholders prior to the decision being made; and
  • That there was inadequate evidence on which to base a decision and that not all relevant matters were taken into account.

It is anticipated that the Call-in will be considered at the Scrutiny Management Committee which is already scheduled for 14 February.

This Call-in power is one all Councillors can exercise if they disagree with a decision. This power is not lightly used, and therefore, this is a serious challenge to the decision. Any Call-in has to have strong ground, which also have to meet certain legal requirements.

The points of the Call-in will be discussed at the Scrutiny Management Committee who will examine all the points surrounding this decision. From this, the committee can recommend either to uphold the original decision or to vary it in some way. If there is a change it will be referred back to Cabinet with a recommendation which the Cabinet can ignore or accept. If no change, the original decision is acted upon. I can imagine this committee meeting will be one of the most well attended…

This Call-in puts the short timescale for the Capital of Culture bid under even more pressure, as nothing official can happen with the bid until such times as the Cabinet has dealt with the Call-in.

My views on the bid are exactly the same as when I voted against the recommendation at the last Cabinet HERE.

Categories: Local Politics

Storm warning as Storm Doris starts to make an impact on Cornwall

Cllr Andrew Wallis - Thu, 02/02/2017 - 15:34

Cornwall Council and the Met Office have today issued a storm warning in reference to Storm Doris. This storm will bring strong winds and heavy rain to Cornwall today, Thursday and during Friday. Cornwall Council is warning residents to be prepared and take precautions where necessary.

The latest information from the MET Office and the Environment Agency is for the wettest weather to move across Cornwall on Thursday, with the highest winds expected on Friday.  There is currently a Met Office weather wind warning in force, for Friday, with the risk of high winds across coasts and hills and large waves along southern coasts.

Porthleven today, Thursday

Porthleven today, Thursday

Between 10 and 40mm of rain are expected to fall on parts of Cornwall on Thursday, with Gale Force 8 winds expected early to mid afternoon, before the wind slowly eases by early evening.

There are two peaks of strong winds expected on Friday –the first arriving late morning to mid-afternoon, followed by the second peak during mid-afternoon to early evening.

The winds will be at their strongest across the Isles of Scilly and the southern coasts of Cornwall, and around hills during these peaks, ranging from Gale Force 8 up to Gale Force 9 on occasions, with gusts of between 50-65mph,and possibly up to 70mph.  These winds may cause some travel disruption – particularly on exposed bridges and high sided vehicles, as well as potential disruption to air and ferry travel  There is also the risk of damage to trees and potential disruption to power supplies, as well as the risk of injury from flying debris , such as bins, bins, fences and trampolines and temporary structures.

The strong winds are likely to be accompanied by large waves, especially around the Isles of Scilly, and the southern coasts of Cornwall, like Porthleven which may present a hazard to the public on beaches, sea walls, piers and promenades, especially at high tides.

All the agencies are monitoring the situation closely and are on standby to act if the situation deteriorates. For further advice on preparing for flooding is available on the Cornwall Council website at

Be safe during this weather front. If you are going to ‘wave watch’ please do this from a safe place as you not only endanger your life, but you put at risk the lives of the emergency and rescue services who will attempt to save you.

Not like this idiot…..

Idiot from 2014


Categories: Local Politics

Penzance to Scillies helicopter service gets the go-ahead from Cornwall Council

Falmouth Packet | West Cornwall - Thu, 02/02/2017 - 12:53
A new helicopter link between Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly has been given the green light by Cornwall Councillors this morning (2/1).
Categories: West Cornwall News

Agricultural Products: Subsidies | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

EU funding for the promotion of agricultural products is available to all member states and will continue to be available until the UK’s exit from the European Union.

We are determined to get the best deal for Britain, including for our food and farming industry which generates over £110 billion a year for our economy.

We will need to consider our longer-term approach to funding as part of a future domestic agricultural policy and we will ensure we consult with stakeholders in relation to any future scheme for the UK.

Agriculture: Exports | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

According to the latest HMRC trade data, the provisional value of UK exports of food & drink to the EU for the 12 month period December 2015 to November 2016 was £11.8 billion.

Approximately 50% (£5.9 billion) of these exports were raw or lightly-processed goods related to the agricultural sector. The remaining 50% of exports were highly-processed goods related to the food & drink manufacturing sector.

Agricultural trade data is not available for the geographic detail requested in parts (a) and (b).

Avian Influenza | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

The numbers of cases of avian influenza confirmed in domestic flocks in England and Wales, by year and month in the last 24 months up to and including 31/01/2017, are shown in the table below. In addition the numbers of positive cases found in wild birds in England and Wales are shown.



Cases in Domestic Flocks

Cases in Wild Birds


















The Government has taken swift action to limit the spread of avian influenza, with restrictions around affected premises and wider measures in place across the country. These measures included increasing the sensitivity of the surveillance that is undertaken around wetland areas by key partners due to the increased prevalence of H5N8 in Europe.

To reduce the risk of bird flu spreading from bird to bird there is currently a requirement for all poultry keepers, even those who just keep a few birds as pets, to take all practicable and appropriate steps to keep their birds housed or otherwise separate from wild birds. There is also a ban on poultry gatherings.

Bird flu is also transmitted via the environment, for example in wild bird droppings, and it is vital that keepers practice strict biosecurity.

Avian Influenza | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

The numbers of cases of avian influenza confirmed in domestic flocks in England and Wales, by year and month in the last 24 months up to and including 31/01/2017, are shown in the table below. In addition the numbers of positive cases found in wild birds in England and Wales are shown.



Cases in Domestic Flocks

Cases in Wild Birds


















The Government has taken swift action to limit the spread of avian influenza, with restrictions around affected premises and wider measures in place across the country. These measures included increasing the sensitivity of the surveillance that is undertaken around wetland areas by key partners due to the increased prevalence of H5N8 in Europe.

To reduce the risk of bird flu spreading from bird to bird there is currently a requirement for all poultry keepers, even those who just keep a few birds as pets, to take all practicable and appropriate steps to keep their birds housed or otherwise separate from wild birds. There is also a ban on poultry gatherings.

Bird flu is also transmitted via the environment, for example in wild bird droppings, and it is vital that keepers practice strict biosecurity.

Consultation for Shipyard building in Porthleven

Cllr Andrew Wallis - Wed, 01/02/2017 - 10:48

Porthleven Harbour and Dock Company are holding two periods of public consultation in reference to two planning applications they have submitted. The first is a building in the Shipyard and the second is three structures on what is being called Harbour Head Terrace.

I am sure people will remember a previous pre-application for the Shipyard building and how there was concern about the use of this building. This pre-app never progressed to a full planning application. This time a planning application has been submitted (not yet validated yet) for a shop/cafe and office space.

The second application is for is for a re-submission of three structures on Harbour Head Terrace. This was previously withdrawn by the application due to concerns from the Conservation Officer.


This public consultation is arranged by the applicant. The applications will still be subject to the official consultation by Cornwall Council and Porthleven Town Council. This will be where anyone who wants to support or object to these applications can make their views know.

This event is listed on What’s on in Porthleven – HERE

Categories: Local Politics

Animal Feed: Pigs | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

At a recent meeting of the EU Standing Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products on 20 January, the UK presented the view that withdrawal of these products may have a significant negative impact on pig production.

The scientific basis for recommendation of withdrawal of the products is to be re-examined by the European Medicines Agency’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use. This process is expected to take two months.

We will continue to engage with UK stakeholders and the Commission to ensure that the wider context of the impact of a withdrawal is fully considered, and to achieve the best outcome for all stakeholders, balancing availability of medicines with the need to manage all associated risks.

Dog ban set to change for Porthleven Beach

Cllr Andrew Wallis - Tue, 31/01/2017 - 21:21

A few months ago, I asked residents about amending the current dog beach ban for Porthleven Beach. As highlighted HERE. I put forward a series of changes which were also supported by Porthleven Town Council.

I am pleased to say Cornwall Council have agreed to this request for a change and will be officially changed from the current ban period and timings. The ban will now start on the 1st May and end on the 30th September. The hours of the ban have also changed and will be between 9am and 6pm. The previous ban period and timings were from Easter Day till the 1st October and from 7am to 7pm.

There is no changes to the beach East of Blue Buoy Steps with access for dogs all year round.

Categories: Local Politics

One Stop Shop and Jobcentre office to be located into Helston Library

Cllr Andrew Wallis - Tue, 31/01/2017 - 16:48

There has been a lot of speculation on the future of libraries, One Stop Shops in Cornwall. For Helston and the surrounding area, these vital services have been located at two different locations in Helston.

To add into the mix, the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP or Jobcentre) have been looking at its long-term commitment in Helston and had recently announced various offices that were under review  – which included Helston.

Myself and my fellow local Cornwall Councillors have argued all three of these services are vital, and it would be a huge blow to Helston, Porthleven and the surrounding area if they could no-longer access these services.

After various meetings with officers about the future of these services, I am pleased to say in a message from two portfolio holders which cover the council services and localisum, they have confirmed the long-term future of the Library, One Stop Shop services and Jobcentre by moving the latter two into the Library. As follows:

“In Helston the Jobcentre will be sharing premises with the library.  This will preserve access to the Jobcentre and ensure the library has a flexible space that will allow it to deliver a modern service.  It will also mean we are able to extend the library’s opening hours.  The Information Service that is currently delivered from Isaac House will be moving to Helston Library too, making it easier for people to access more services in one place.”

This is excellent news and I am pleased the views of local Cornwall Councillors have been taken into account and we have protected three vital services in Helston. My understanding is the Registration Services, which offers Weddings will remain at Isaac House. Issac House is not owned by Cornwall Council and is owned privately.

Categories: Local Politics

Wines: Manufacturing Industries | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

Defra officials have been undertaking a thorough analysis of the agri-food industry, including the wine industry. We have also been speaking directly to wine producers and trade organisations, to understand what they need from us so they can continue to thrive after we leave the EU.

Oilseed Rape | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

There is no record of discussions with representatives of the agricultural or retail sectors to discuss the decline in oilseed rape harvests specifically. Defra continues to support the improvement of oilseed rape through its Oilseed Rape Genetic Improvement Network (OREGIN). This network is dedicated to the development of new pre-breeding material with key resilience traits such as resistance to fungal pathogens, improved nutrient uptake efficiency, rooting and establishment as well as improved quality traits

Animal Welfare: Circuses | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Written Answers

There are currently 16 wild animals licensed by Defra for use by travelling circuses in England. The 16 wild animals are 6 Reindeer; 3 Camels; 3 Zebra; 1 Fox; 1 Macaw; 1 Racoon and 1 Zebu.

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