Village News

Christmas Lights


REFUSED: PA17/11764 | Listed building consent application for removal of garden potting shed & construction of garage &artist st

  1. The proposed garage/studio, by virtue of its inappropriate mass and scale, taller
    than the principle listed building having an inappropriate design would causes
    harm to the setting and special architectural and historic interests of the Grade II
    Listed dwelling 15 Steamers Hill. It has not been demonstrated that there is any
    public benefit, or other justification, that outweighs the harm to the setting of
    the historic character of the building. The application thereby conflicts with
    Policies 12 and 24 of the Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010-2030
    (Adopted 22nd November 2016), Government policy 58, 126, 131, 132 and 134
    of the National Planning Policy Framework and the duty imposed by section 16
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REFUSED: PA17/11763 | Removal of garden potting shed & construction of garage & artist studi. - 15 Steamers Hill Angarrack Hayle

  1. The proposed garage/studio, by virtue of its inappropriate mass and scale, taller than the principle listed building having an inappropriate design would causes harm to the setting and special architectural and historic interests of the Grade II Listed dwelling 15 Steamers Hill. It has not been demonstrated that there is any public benefit, or other justification, that outweighs the harm to the setting of the historic character of the building. The application thereby conflicts with Policies 1, 12 and 24 of the Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010-2030 (Adopted 22nd November 2016), Government policy 58, 126, and 134 of the National Planning Policy Framework and the duty imposed by section 66 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.
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