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131101 | Hayle Harbour - Update from the builders on South Quay... | Facebook


Update from the builders on South Quay following a meeting with them today.

1. They are contracted for a year, so the ASDA building will be finished before 12 months.
2. The work on Carnsew Sluice has started
3. The work on repairing the Harbour Walls will start in 2 weeks.
4. The company are not in negotiation with Jewsons to place a petrol station there.
5. The builders want to work with the community and keep everyone informed of developments
6. the builders are the largest building company in this country
7. The builders are taking time lapsed photos of the development which they will share.
8. The builders will be constructing the Penpol Creek bridge

I'm sure you will agree a start.

Clive Polkinghorne