Village News

Christmas Lights

Angarrack Duck Races

A strong tradition for fundraising for the Christmas Lights are the Duck Races.

At least one duck race is held each year - weather permitting - and comprises races for different age groups culminating in the Race of Champions.

The Duck Races were restarted by Brian Cleeve in 2003 with the help of the then Lights Committee and his many friends which is how Yvonne, Linda & Jeff and Mel & Lynne became involved.

After Brian sadly passed away in 2007,  in 2008 his friends Mel & Lynne and Linda & Jeff took it over in his memory .

So 2018 is the 10th Year  they and their families have been the driving forces behind the Duck Races

Special thanks go to them and their families and the Angarrack Christmas Lights Committee for their time and effort in organising the Duck Races which are so much enjoyed by everyone and raise much needed funds for Angarrack Christmas Lights.

Betting is always keen, and there are refreshments to help deal with all that stress and excitement.