Village News

Christmas Lights

Supermarket is not wanted, especially near here, say Angarrack villagers

As reported in The Cornishman/West Briton

Supermarket is not wanted, especially near here, say Angarrack villagers

A SURVEY of Angarrack's preferences for a new supermarket in Hayle has revealed opposition to an out-of-town site close to the village.

Just over half of the residents who responded to the questionnaire did not want any store in the town

17/12/2009 09:55 ...



Did you have a say?

I'm curious - Derek Elliot has received press coverage today for his survey of the views of Angarrack stating a majority are opposed to the supermarket development. "The survey, which was carried out by village resident Derek Elliot, the UK Independence Party's prospective parliamentary candidate" The details of his survey reveal he did not leaflet the village and received just 36 responses (from around 150 households). This seems an odd way of 'carrying out a survey'. Derek Elliot also says "But he says that of the 17 respondents who did support a new store, 53% wanted to see an Asda built at the rugby club with just 6% in favour of a Sainsbury's." So - 19 were opposed, 17 were in favour and of those 17 presumably 9 want to see the Asda? I wonder what the other 150 odd people in the village think?

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