Village News

Christmas Lights


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« November 29, 2017 - December 30, 2017 »
11 / 29
11 / 30
12 / 1
Start: 14:00

Lynne will be running her very popular Flower Arranging workshop at Angarrack Community Centre on Friday 1 December @ 2.00pm - all welcome on either day. The theme will be "Christmas arrangements"

12 / 2
Start: 18:00
End: 20:00
Gather in Angarrack Inn car park (which will be closed for parking) from 6pm for entertainment and to help get in the festive mood.

Highlights include:

  • The legendary Angarrack Christmas Lights DJ, Geoff will be playing music from 6pm onwards
  • James Dundon (Heart FM) will arrive about 6.30pm with fairground organ and will be playing Christmas music and organising community singing until about 8pm
  • Switch on (possibly with fireworks) at 7pm
  • Santa should arrive just after switch and will be in his grotto for visitors (up to 10 yrs old)



12 / 3
12 / 4
Start: 18:30

The Hayle and St Ives Community Network Panel meets quarterly to discuss matters that affect the local community and to agree priorities that can be delivered by Cornwall Council and other agencies including the police and health services. Some of the areas that community networks focus on include anti-social behaviour, economic development, the environment, community planning, regeneration, conservation, community safety, transport and highway issues.

The panel comprises all six Cornwall Councillors for the area and representatives of the five parishes in the Hayle and St Ives Community Network - Gwinear-Gwithian and St Erth, Hayle North, Hayle South, Lelant and Carbis Bay, St Ives North and St Ives South.

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Start: 19:00

POSTPONED due to the weather

Don't miss!! Local Vocalz sings at Angarrack. This was absolutely magical last year! Bring a hot chocolate, or mulled wine and just enjoy!

<p>Angarrack Christmas Lights are very excited to welcome back by popular demand Local Vocalz who sang so beautifully last year and fresh from their performance in the prestigious TV "Choir of the Year" competition.

<p>Facebook event -

12 / 15
Start: 10:00
End: 11:00

Angarrack Ladies Coffee Morning

December 15 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am

The ladies of Angarrack are invited Cornwall Blood Bikes to spread the Christmas spirit and join them at their coffee morning.

There will be hot mince pies, and cream, plus bring and buy, cake stalls, and raffle.

see also

Start: 16:25

The mobile library stops at Angarrack this Friday - hopefully at the Angarrack Inn

It's free to join the Mobile Library
There is a lift for easier access. 

Well worth a visit!

Please note this is the new MONTHLY service Friday afternoons

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