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230817 | When will new rubbish collection changes start, Cornwall


When will new rubbish collection changes start, Cornwall

Kate Lockett Community reporter
By Kate Lockett Community reporter

Cornwall Council have revealed upcoming changes in waste collection (Image: Stock)
THE Council have revealed upcoming changes to household waste collection services in Cornwall - which will start this year.
In a bid to help people recycle more and reduce their rubbish and cut our carbon footprint, Cornwall Council will introduce three new waste collection services area by area in stages across Cornwall this year.
The changes are as follows:
  • The council will provide a new separate weekly food waste collection service.
  • Most households in Cornwall will receive a wheelie bin to protect rubbish. For those who don’t have anywhere to store or put a wheelie bin out for collection, a reusable protective sack will be provided instead.
  • To help recycle food waste, a lockable food waste bin to store it in will be supplied.
  • For those who live in a flat, apartment or property with shared bins, the council will look at your current collection arrangements and make any changes with your particular circumstances in mind.
To order recycling bags and boxes, visit:
The council will inform the public directly ahead of the waste collection changes in your area.
For more information and updates follow CornwallRecycles on Facebook.


Gilly Zella Martin 17th August 2:59 pm
User ID: 464468
Courtesy of the Packet. Paper - goes to recycling companies in Somerset and Kent, where it is reprocessed into 100 per cent recycled paper for newsprint and packaging. Cardboard - is also taken to Somerset and Kent, where it is sorted and reprocessed into new cardboard. Steel cans - go to Swansea and are recycled into many different products including cars, bridges and cans. Aluminium cans and foil - all go to companies in Swindon and Swansea, where they are melted and turned into ingots to be used to make everything from foil trays to aeroplanes. Plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays - a number of different companies take these in Wiltshire, Warwickshire, Kent, Essex and Buckinghamshire, where they are sorted, shredded, melted and reused to make things including garden furniture, refuse bags and drainage pipes. Glass bottles and jars - are first taken to Falmouth port, before then being shipped to Scunthorpe or Tilbury. There they are recycled and used to make glass bottles. Clothes and textiles - a company in the West Midlands takes these materials and sends them for reuse in developing countries, or they are shredded to make cleaning cloths and felt materials. Batteries (car and household) - go to Birmingham where useful materials are recovered depending on the type of battery. Energy saving light bulbs and fluorescent tubes - a firm in Manchester takes individual components from these, for recycling or re-use in a variety of industries. Engine oil - is taken to Worcestershire where it is recovered, cleaned and resold for its original use. Fridges/freezers - go to a company in Liskeard that recovers the CFCs from refrigeration gases and insulation panels, while the metal, plastic and foam are separated for use in manufacturing. Garden waste - this stays local, going to Bodmin, Roche, Hayle and Trerulefoot where firms compost it for agricultural and horticultural use. Gas bottles - are taken to London, Kent and Leicester to be returned to the company of origin. Rubble - goes to companies in St Austell and Hayle which re-use it as aggregate for building purposes. Metal - a company in Par takes this and separates it for recycling. Small electrical equipment - also goes to Par where the metal, plastic, glass, batteries and circuit boards are separated for recycling or reuse. TVs/monitors - are taken to Liskeard where the different materials are separated and recycled or reused. Tyres - these go to a firm in Redruth that shreds them into rubber chips to be used in everything from equestrian surfaces, play areas, pathways, gardens and bowling greens. Wood - is taken to companies in Roche and Hayle which process waste timber and use it as biofuel.

Last Updated: 17th August 11:28 pm