Village News

Christmas Lights

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« December 11, 2009 - January 11, 2010 »
12 / 11
12 / 12
12 / 13
12 / 14
Start: 12:30
End: 12:45

The mobile library stops at Angarrack Post Box fortnightly on Mondays (except Bank Holidays).

It's free to join the Mobile Library, and there is no fine if you are overdue with your books.

There is a lift for disabled persons. 


Well worth a visit.

12 / 15
12 / 16
12 / 17
12 / 18
Start: 11:00
End: 13:00


On Friday, December 18 there is to be a grand coffee morning and book sale at the Angarrack Community Centre from 10am to 12 noon. 


There will be a grand raffle with hampers etc for prixes; there will also be gorgeous mince pies and cream for all to enjoy.


Everyone very welcome.

12 / 19
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01 / 11
Start: 11:30

The mobile library stops at Angarrack Post Box fortnightly on Mondays (except Bank Holidays).

It's free to join the Mobile Library, and there is no fine if you are overdue with your books.

There is a lift for easier access. 


Well worth a visit.

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