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240814 | Have your say: new National Planning Policy Framework open for consultation until 24 September report Cornwall Reports

Have your say: new National Planning Policy Framework open for consultation until 24th September

Posted By Rashleigh MacFarlane on 14th August 2024

By Rashleigh MacFarlane

Towns and villages across Cornwall are bracing themselves for a “gold rush” of speculative planning applications for new homes, as the government launches its consultation on proposed changes to development rules.

Having set itself a target of building 1.5 million new homes within five years, the government is looking to “streamline” the planning process in a bid to encourage developers.

Towns and villages which do not have a neighbourhood development plan are likely to be overwhelmed by new applications, increasingly on sites never previously considered suitable.

Cornwall looks set to be ordered to approve at least 4,454 new homes next year – a 65% increase on its current rate.  It would mean the equivalent of building more than a Truro New Town (proposed 3,800 homes) every year.

As well as setting mandatory targets and re-instating the demand for a five-year supply of land, councils have been told to identify new “grey field” sites – a recipe for huge controversy.

The consultation closes on 24th September.  Cornwall Council has yet to say how it will respond, or to indicate the method by which it will develop policy.

The document also sets out in detail the government’s proposal to lift the ban on onshore windfarms.  Local residents will no longer have a veto.

Two months ago Cornwall Council admitted it had granted planning permission for 2,000 homes which it now believes stand no chance of ever being built.  It means planners have dramatically increased the wealth of landowners simply at the stroke of a pen.

The council itself has become one of Cornwall’s worst offenders, “land-banking” valuable sites which have planning permission without actually laying a single brick.

Some experts say that relaxing planning rules, on its own, is not enough to get the construction sector booming.  Interest rates are still at 5% and inflation is again heading the wrong direction.

Property developers need access to easy money before cutting the first sod on a building site.  It is entirely possible that without all of the right conditions, planners will simply grant thousands of new consents – but still fail to realise the hoped-for supply of affordable new homes.


Is there a link to this consultation?


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