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PA20/00542 16 Back Lane

Proposed House Extension and Alterations, Constructions of New Workshop. - Fairwinds 16 Back Lane Angarrack Hayle Cornwall TR27 5JE Ref. No: PA20/00542 | Received date: Tue 21 Jan 2020

PA21/02553 | Replacement dwelling | 16 Back Lane Fairwinds Angarrack Hayle Cornwall TR27 5JE

Replacement dwelling - 16 Back Lane Fairwinds Angarrack Hayle Cornwall TR27 5JE

Ref. No: PA21/02553 | Received date: Tue 09 Mar 2021 | Status: Pending Consideration | Case Type: Planning Application

Q8. Any further relevant information?

The proposal for a replacement dwelling is the exact design as
Recently approved under Planning Application PA20?00542.
The main reason for submitting is to ensure that the whole of the
Dwelling is thermally efficient, damp proofed properly and is more
Eco friendly for future generations

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PA20/00542 | Proposed House Extension and Alterations, Constructions of New Workshop. | Fairwinds 16 Back Lane Angarrack Hayle C

PA20/00542 PROPOSED Elevation NW
PA20/00542 PROPOSED Elevation NE
PA20/00542 PROPOSED Elevation SW
PA20/00542 PROPOSED Elevation SE

Proposed House Extension and Alterations, Constructions of New Workshop. - Fairwinds 16 Back Lane Angarrack Hayle Cornwall TR27 5JE

Ref. No: PA20/00542 | Received date: Tue 21 Jan 2020 | Status: Pending Consideration | Case Type: Planning Application

 PA20/00542 | Proposed House Extension and Alterations, Constructions of New Workshop. | Fairwinds 16 Back Lane Angarrack Hayle Cornwall TR27 5JE  read more »

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