Village News

Christmas Lights


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« September 05, 2014 - October 06, 2014 »
09 / 5
09 / 6
09 / 7
Start: 01:00
End: 12:00
You are invited to join members at Angarrack Methodist Church for worship each Sunday morning at 11am. The pastor today will be Mr William Barber from St Ives.
09 / 8
09 / 9
09 / 10
09 / 11
09 / 12
Start: 10:00
End: 12:00
Angarrack's fortnightly coffee morning takes place today between 10am and noon at the Angarrack Community Centre.
09 / 13
09 / 14
Start: 01:00
End: 12:00
You are invited to join members at Angarrack Methodist Church for worship each Sunday morning at 11am. The pastor today will be Pastor Kenny Bassett of St Ives.
09 / 15
Start: 11:30
End: 11:45

The mobile library stops at Angarrack Post Box this Monday.

It's free to join the Mobile Library, and there is no fine if you are overdue with your books.

There is a lift for easier access. 

 Well worth a visit!

09 / 16
09 / 17
09 / 18
Start: 14:00
End: 16:30

Angarrack's fortnightly hobby afternoon takes place today between 2pm and 4.30pm at the Angarrack Community Centre.

Come along and bring something that you enjoy doing or just come along for a chat and a cup of tea!

Admission is £2. All welcome.

09 / 19
09 / 20
Start: 10:00
End: 16:00

Foundry Day
20th September 2014
Chapel Terrace, Hayle
10 am to 4 pm

Foundry day is a celebration of Hayle Heritage, Local Business, Local Talent and sustainability in the Community

• If you have a skill or run a cottage industry from home or just make things to sell for charity, or

• Do you sing or perform in a group or band, if so the organisers would like to hear from you.

09 / 21
Start: 01:00
End: 12:00
You are invited to join members at Angarrack Methodist Church for worship each Sunday morning at 11am.
09 / 22
09 / 23
09 / 24
09 / 25
09 / 26
Start: 10:00
End: 12:00
Angarrack's fortnightly coffee morning takes place today between 10am and noon at the Angarrack Community Centre. It's a special one this week, part of the national 'big coffee morning' in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support.
09 / 27
09 / 28
Start: 11:00
End: 12:00
You are invited to join members at Angarrack Methodist Church for worship each Sunday morning at 11am. Today, Harvest Festival will be celebrated with a service at 11am when the preacher will be Mrs Irene Tanner and also at 6pm when the preacher will be Reverend Mark Richards from Camborne. The celebrations continue on Monday September 29 at 7pm with Songs of Praise (chaired by Reverend Bob Senior) followed by a pasty supper (£1.50) and sale of produce. The members look forward to welcoming everybody.
Start: 18:00
End: 19:00
An extra service this evening at 6pm to celebrate Harvest Festival. The preacher will be Reverend Mark Richards from Camborne. The celebrations continue on Monday September 29 at 7pm with Songs of Praise (chaired by Reverend Bob Senior) followed by a pasty supper (£1.50) and sale of produce. The members look forward to welcoming everybody.
09 / 29
Start: 19:00
End: 20:00
More celebrations for Harvest Festival at 7pm with Songs of Praise (chaired by Reverend Bob Senior) followed by a pasty supper (£1.50) and sale of produce. The members look forward to welcoming everybody.
09 / 30
10 / 1
10 / 2
Start: 14:00
End: 16:30

Angarrack's fortnightly hobby afternoon takes place today between 2pm and 4.30pm at the Angarrack Community Centre.

Come along and bring something that you enjoy doing or just come along for a chat and a cup of tea!

Admission is £2. All welcome.

10 / 3
10 / 4
10 / 5
Start: 11:00
End: 12:00
You are invited to join members at Angarrack Methodist Church for worship each Sunday morning at 11am. The preacher today will be Reverend Bob Senior. The members look forward to welcoming everybody.
10 / 6
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