Village News

Christmas Lights


Everyone enjoying the Duck Races

Everyone enjoying the Duck Races

Enjoying the sunshine at the Duck Races

Enjoying the sunshine at the Duck Races

Ducks Ahoy!

Ducks Ahoy!

Here come the Ducks!

Here come the Ducks!

Who can call the winner first at the Duck Races

Who can call the winner first at the Duck Races

Calling the winners of the Duck Races raffle

Calling the winners of the Duck Races raffle

Stewarding ducks at the Duck Races

Stewarding ducks at the Duck Races

Spotting the straggling ducks at the Duck Races

Spotting the straggling ducks at the Duck Races

Fishing for the last yellow duck

Fishing for the last yellow duck

The Ducks come under scrutiny

The Ducks come under scrutiny
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