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210122 | Cornwall's plans for community coronavirus testing for high-risk workers | BUSINESSES being asked for feedback on plans

Cornwall's plans for community coronavirus testing for high-risk workers

Thursday, 4 February 2021 - Health

BUSINESSES are being asked for their feedback on Cornwall’s plans for community coronavirus testing for high-risk occupations.

Plans are being put in place by Cornwall Council’s public health team to roll out a Lateral Flow Testing (LFT) programme.

The team is working with partners to prioritise key workers in high-risk occupations where employees are unable to work at home but provide essential services.

Businesses are being asked to help give feedback on the plans so they are robust and work for a variety of workforces. There are two plans being considered:

1. Testing undertaken on individual premises with training provided to administer the tests twice weekly

2. Local testing sites set up across the county where staff could attend for testing twice weekly

A spokesperson said: "Please help us to deliver a scheme that works for businesses in Cornwall by providing your feedback, sharing data about likely usage and letting us know your preferences by the end of tomorrow (Friday 5th February 2021) on the Let’s Talk Cornwall website.

"Lateral Flow Testing can identify people without Covid-19 symptoms who do not know they have the virus, helping them isolate more quickly and avoid passing on the infection in their work settings."

The Council has stressed that everyone will still need to continue to follow the rules both in and outside the workplace. This testing approach will have to be used regularly in order to effectively detect cases, and not only in situations where covid is suspected.

Rachel Wigglesworth, Cornwall Council’s director of public health, said: “This roll out of community testing on a large scale is exciting news for us in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

"We’re in the process of identifying suitable testing sites and prioritising critical workforces who will most benefit from the testing. We really need input from our business community to make sure that these options really will work for our key workers who are doing such important roles in this pandemic.

“Testing is unfortunately not the answer to getting us out of the pandemic, but it will help us catch cases early and stop the spread in workplaces, which will in turn stop the spread through our communities.”

You can find FAQs about LFTs, community testing and more information on when you should book a test here:"; TARGET="_blank">

If you have any symptoms of Coronavirus please book a test on the website, or by calling 119 if you do not have access to book online.

There are also new walk-in testing centres across Cornwall for those who have Covid-19 symptoms and cannot drive to other exiting facilities.

• Camborne - Heartlands, Pool

• Penzance – St Erbyn’s car park

• Soon to be confirmed locations: Bodmin, and St. Austell

Mobile testing units rotate around Bude, Bodmin, Liskeard and Falmouth.