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Christmas Lights

230324 | Northern Lights return to Cornwall with more colourful displays The Aurora Borealis seen in the sky above St Ives

  • Northern Lights return to Cornwall with more colourful displays

    The Aurora Borealis was seen in the sky above St Ives, Callington and Bodmin

    Northern Lights in Cornwall
    Jason Ellway got this fantastic photo of the aurora at Kit Hall just before 10pm (Image: Jason Ellway)

    The Northern Lights returned to the skies of Cornwall again this week as delighted skygazers grabbed their phones and cameras to capture the mesmerising Aurora Borealis.

    The colourful displays are usually best seen in high-latitude regions closer to the Arctic, such as Scandinavia. When they are seen in the UK usually only Scotland and parts of northern England are treated to glimpses of the electrically charged particles from space entering the Earth's upper atmosphere at high speed. However, the rare phenomenon could be seen as far south as Cornwall on two nights last month.

    The glowing lights were seen in the sky above Watergate Bay, near Newquay, and Porkellis, near Helston, among other places in the county.

    The Met Office previously explained the sightings: "A coronal hole high speed stream arrived this evening combined with a rather fast coronal mass ejection leading to Aurora sightings across the UK."

    The Aurora Borealis returned again last night (Thursday, March 23) and were caught on camera at Kit Hill in Callington, above St Ives and at Lanivet near Bodmin.

  • Northern Lights in Cornwall

    Another photo by Droneman

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