Village News

Christmas Lights

Minutes from "The Duck Races! 3pm Saturday 8th July 2017" on 8 Jul 2017 - 15:00

Minutes for: The Duck Races! 3pm Saturday 8th July 2017 from 8 Jul 2017 - 15:00 to 8 Jul 2017 - 15:00


Brilliant time was had at the Angarrack Duck Races 2017!

The weather was kind, the sun shone and there were so many people we had to put on two extra races!

Race Winners

Gwen (under 7)
Rosie (under 7)
Amelia (under 7)
Ben (under 11)
Harry (Teenager)
Olive (Children)
Roz (Ladies)
Rob (Men)

Champion - Harry

Well done to all the winners and special congratulations to Harry! Reigning Champion for 2017

Ducks 1 and 6 were especially successful and Duck 9 was the overall champion, there was one suspected incidence of ducknapping, duck 1 sank and had to be replaced with a substitute, two ducks took the long way home and had to sit a race out... and two winners of the Duck Race totes kindly donated their winnings to the cause.

Meanwhile the Hook-a-Duck was such a success it ran out of prizes! and the queues for face painting were huge - with lots of lovely designs including at least one duckling!

The delicious smell of crepes wafted over everyone making us all very hungry the BBQ was very popular and almost sold out, the Raffle was very well supported and many went home with more than they brought.

Massive thanks to all who came and had fun, all who helped setting up, running things and taking down - and all the ducks of course.

We're so grateful for those who volunteer whether it's their first year helping or they've never missed a year - it couldn't happen without you all - and if you've got an idea or would like to help out please feel free to let us know via the website or to contact the committee directly.

If you'd like to help in any way please do get in touch.  You don't have to join the committee if you'd prefer not to, there are lots of other ways you can help!

Just let us know what you're good at and how to contact you - if you'd like to fill in the form below that would be great, or feel free to email or call Nikki on 07595 418 887 or Nigel on 07469 876 911 or text them (if texting please leave your name!) contact us on Facebook @AngarrackChristmasLights or Twitter @angarrackinfo



Angarrack Christmas Lights volunteer

If you'd like to help in any way please do get in touch.  You don't have to join the committee if you'd prefer not to, there are lots of other ways you can help!

Just let us know what you're good at and how to contact you - if you'd like to fill in the form below that would be great, or feel free to email or call Nikki on 07595 418 887 or Nigel on 07469 876 911 or text them (if texting please leave your name!) contact us on Facebook @AngarrackChristmasLights or Twitter @angarrackinfo
Yes please - I'd like to volunteer to help Angarrack Christmas lights
If you're especially good at something be it baking, holding ladders, wiring/electrical or being cheerful do please let us know.
Similarly if there are good times of day or week for you to help please tell us that.