Village News

Christmas Lights

200504 | Dog-walking over 70 SIR – Dave Alsop (Letters, May 2) writes perfect common sense. I must point out, however, that at

Dog-walking over 70

SIR – Dave Alsop (Letters, May 2) writes perfect common sense. I must point out, however, that at no time has the Government instructed us to withdraw volunteers over 70. Many in this group have decided to self-isolate and we have been able to replace them temporarily with other volunteers.

Our advice to all our volunteers has been to take appropriate precautions. Thousands continue to help and are proving a godsend for elderly and vulnerable pet owners, dropping off shopping at the same time as collecting the dog for its walk, for instance. They are keeping themselves and “their” owner safe, and I cannot praise them highly enough.

Averil R Jarvis
Founder and Chief Executive, The Cinnamon Trust
Hayle, Cornwall