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150825 | Angarrack car fire is suspected arson | The Cornishman

Angarrack car fire is suspected arson

By CMtgainey | Posted: August 25, 2015

A crew from Hayle made sure the blaze was fully out.

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Devon and Cornwall Police contacted the Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service this morning regarding a car fire.

The incident occurred at 6:54am at Steamers Hill, Angarrack.

An appliance from Hayle arrived to find a car that had previously been set alight and was still smoking.

The crew used a high pressure hose-reel to make sure the fire was fully extinguished.

Arson was initially suspected; Devon and Cornwall Police were on the scene and will be launching a further investigation.

If you have any information regarding this incident the authorities suggest you contact the anonymous Crime Stoppers number on: 0800 555111