Village News

Christmas Lights

Regular Club Listings

Updated 9 October 2018 (listings from Issue #141: October/November 2018

Bridge Club Every Monday at Carbis
Bay Memorial Hall 2-5 pm. Beginners
welcome £2 inc. tea & biscuits.
Enq: Graham 01736 762512

Hayle in Bloom. Last Mon. of the
month, (not Aug & Dec) Passmore
Edwards Institute 7pm.

Hayle Breezers Group Thursdays.
1.30pm Passmore Edwards Inst.
April Hogarth 0781 376 7071
Bob Scales 01736 751735

Hayle Art Society Passmore Edwards
Institute on Tues 1.30-3.30 & Wed 7.00-
9.00 tel. Chris 01736 757720 or
Penny 01736 756445

Hayle Canoe Club Meets 2nd Friday
of the month (Oct-Mar) for pool training
at St Ives Leisure Centre 7.30- 9.30.
Open to all £6.00 p.p. Contact:

Hayle Community Archive.
Open Tuesday & Thursday 10 a.m. –
1p.m.:Tel 01736 753962, email:
Facebook: Hayle Community
Archive.Twitter:@hayle archive

Hayle & District Bowling Club.
1.00pm every Wednesday. Short Mat
bowling indoors during winter
01736 753565

Hayle Film Club. Films shown at
7.30 p.m. at Passmore Edwards Institute.
Donna 01736 753184.

Hayle Flower Club. 4th Wed. of the
month 7.30pm, Methodist Church Hall,
Tel: 01736 753248

Hayle Friends Group for CHSW
Hospice “Little Harbour”
informally once a month under the
chairmanship of Mary Trevarthen

Hayle Guitar Club Wednesdays
7p.m.-9.30p.m. Passmore Edwar
Hayle Harbour Users Association First
Monday of each month, 7.30p.m. Royal
Standard Pub R Lello 01736

Hayle Judo Kwai Unit 7 Rospeath
Industrial Estate, Crowlas. Tues &
Thurs. Sensei Richard 01736 740723 or
Karen Deacon 0779 209 9979

Hayle Library Reading Group.
first Wed. of each month .
Hayle & District Lions Club. 2nd and
4th Tuesday of every month, 7.30pm at
Passmore Edwards Institute
Shelia Williams 01736 797021

Hayle Lawn Tennis All ages and
abilities welcome. Tremeadow Terrace,
Hayle 01736 850843

Hayle Local Vocalz - a 65 strong mixed
voice adult choir. Mondays, 8pm,
Passmore Edwards Inst. 07950 585787

Hayle Model Boat Club. Wednesday
evenings 7-9pm & Sunday mornings 10-
12 noon, meeting at green chalet by
Hayle outdoor swimming pool.
Tel: 01736 755516, or
Les on 01736 754254

Hayle Model Railway Club & Duchy
Club Rooms Unit 5, Praze
Business Park, Praze-an-Beeble. Mon. &
Thurs. 7pm – 9.30pm. Bob Mims
01736 757910

Hayle Meanderers Every
Wednesday.10.30am Commercial Road
car park. Free, + contribution to c
Eddie Downing 01736 364673

Hayle Old Cornwall Society. First
Friday of each month. Oct, to May at
Passmore Edwards Inst. 7.30p.m.
Trevor Smitheram 01736 756793
Hayle Penwith U3A at Hayle Day
Care Centre
Chair Mike Stuckey 01736 753755 Sec.
Heather Stewart 01736 710045

Hayle Pilot Gig Rowing Club. .
Rowing out of Hayle Harbour most
Tuesdays and Thursday evenings

Hayle RNLI meets from March to
November at 7.00pm the 2
nd Wed. of
the month at Unit 5 Hayle Industrial
Park. Tel 01736 753567

Hayle Rotary Club Fortnightly on
Mondays 7pm at the White Hart Hotel.
D.Raymer 01736 755029 or T.Osborne
01736 793596

Hayle Surf Life Saving Club Riviere
Towans Hayle TR27 5AF Captain: Dave
Parker 01736 755303

Heyl St Piran Singers Every
Wednesday at St Erth Old School Room
7.30 to 9.30pm Ann Thomson
01736 752335

Hayle Twinning Association 2nd
Monday of each month at ASDA
meeting room 7pm for 7.15pm start.
Maurice Trathen 01736 753341 email:

Heyl Town Band Rehearsals Tues &
Thurs 7:30pm-9:30pm, Juniors on
Thursdays 6:pm-7:00pm

Macmillan Cancer Support Meet at
Three Trees,16 Penmare Terrace, Hayle
on most Thursdays at 7.30pm New
members welcome
Suzanne Benney 01736 753635

Phillack Tower Bellringing every
Tuesday at 7.30pm Beginners most
welcome. Enquiries - Tina Morgan
01736 756567

Praze Hayle Choir Every Tuesday in
the Methodist Church Hall 7.30pm Don
Metcalf 01736 757720

Royal British Legion Passmore
Edwards Institute. Every Mon. Wed. &
Friday evening and Sat. afternoon. Mr
John Bawden 0774 327 6412

Save Our Sand For date and venue
of meeting, go to visit Facebook. To go
on our mailing list contact

Scrabble Club at Connor Downs 2nd
Thurs each month at W.I.Hall. 2-4pm £2
for hall & refreshments .

Shore Surf Ladies Only & Juniors
Surf Club
All abilities
welcome. Every Saturday 9 – 11am.
01736 755556 Beachline 07855 755556

St Erth Concert Band Rehearsals
Tuesday 7.30 to 9.30pm in Methodist
Ch. Hall Jeff Burton 07712 478440

St. Erth Friendship Club for the over
Tues 2-4pm £1.50 per session
St Erth School Hall 01736 850758

St Ives and Hayle Community Choir
Tuesdays 1.30pm to 3.00pm at St Anta
Church Hall, Carbis Bay 07950 585787
Table Tennis for Fun, every Friday at
2pm at Hayle Methodist Church Hall,
John Nunn 01736 759686

West Cornwall Concert Band New
venue for rehearsals - Monday 7-9pm at
Camborne Wesley Church

W.I. Hayle 1st Tuesday of the month,
7.00 pm Hayle Day Care Cen
Margaret Stockton 01736 756007

To appear on this page free of charge
drop in details to: Angove Sports,
Passmore Edwards Institute,
The Farm Shop or email