Village News

Christmas Lights

Hayle Down Your Way September 22 2016


Column for September 22 2016


Hayle U3A has the following programme this week.  Today, Thursday September 22, at 10am there is Games.  On Tuesday September 27 at 10am there is Art then at 2pm the Film club meets.  All sessions except Writing are held in the Philip Smith annexe to the Hayle Day Care Centre.  The Writing is held in Hayle Library.


Mustang.  On Thursday September 22 at 7.30pm

This award-winning Turkish film was nominated for the foreign-language Oscar. Five sisters are confined at home by their family and prepared for marriage as they come of age. Their rebellions take various forms, as the stakes grow ever higher. Subtitled.  As ever, at the Passmore Edwards Institute, house lights down at 7.30pm. Tickets at £5/£4 for members, reserve on 01736 752319, or book online at

Angarrack's next fortnightly coffee morning takes place this Friday, September 23, between 10am and noon at Angarrack Community Centre. All welcome.


The club will be meeting on Wednesday September 28 at 7 30pm in the Hayle Day Centre. The demonstrator for the evening is Lynn Williams and the subject is Shades of Autumn. There will also be a workshop where members can bring similar material and containers. Visitors most welcome at £3.


Hayle Friends CHSW are holding an evening of entertainment at the Badger from 8pm on Saturday October 1. Music by Proper Job and raffle and easy quiz sheet. Please support Little Harbour and have a great night out.


The Rotary Club of Hayle would like to thank everyone who supported their charity barbecue during the Hayle Harbour event last weekend when such was the demand for their quality food and happy service it enabled them to raise a record figure for the local charity account.  Such was the demand that they were forced to seek additional supplies on two occasions whilst customers waited with great patience and understanding.  They would also like to thank the organisers and every participant of the day on a wonderful show which must rank as one of the best Community occasions that the town of Hayle has held for many a year.

The club guest speakers over the next few weeks will include Hayle Member of Parliament George Eustice followed by Danielle Roberts, the mother of

Jaimie, a charming three year old boy that the Rotary club supported with a donation from their summer barbecue raffles at the Calloose Camping and

Caravan Park to help with his future treatment.  Further information on Jaimie's journey can be found on https:/ Please visit the site and support the family efforts to give Jaimie the chance to live the life every child should enjoy. The motto of Rotary is "Service Before Self" and they encourage members and friends to foster their lives by this ideal.  If you wish to know further information of club activities please contact David (01736)755029 or Trevor (01736)793596 or any club member for help.


On Sunday September 25, the eighteenth Sunday after Trinity the Parish Eucharist will be celebrated by the Reverend Sharon Chalcraft at 9.30am.

On Wednesday September 28, Said Eucharist will be celebrated by the Reverend Sharon Chalcraft at 10am.  At 7 pm Harvest Festival service led by Bishop Chris followed by refreshments.


St Joseph's Church in Hayle is part of the Roman Catholic Parish of the Holy Family. Father Philip celebrated the 6.30pm Mass on Saturday September 17 when the readings were from Amos - Timothy and gospel by Luke.

There will be no Mass this Friday

Work has commenced on the hall and everyone is looking forward to its completion.

The Hayle Walk for Cornwall Hospice Care was successfully completed. The father raised £1,010.