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210214 | The history of 100-year-old cart emerging from Cornish cliff - Following precarious clear-up and recent erosion

The history of a 100-year-old cart emerging from a Cornish cliff

Following a precarious clear-up and some recent erosion, beach-goers have been noticing the cart and speculating how it got there

A 100-year-old cart is emerging from a cliff at Gwithian after vegetation was cleared from around it two years ago, and some more recent erosion, making it more visible. The cart is thought to be part of the Gwithian Tin Works, which lifted tin-rich sand from the beach below to a sifting site via an aerial ropeway. (Image: Greg Martin / Cornwall Live)

Walkers enjoying their daily exercise at a beach in Cornwall have recently been noticing a strange object jutting out of the cliff.

Like a fossilised scene from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, what looks like an old mine cart on rails appears to be emerging from the rock face, 40ft up from the sand.

In fact, this wagon, which is probably close to 100 years old, is a rusty remnant from an ambitious operation to extract tin-rich sand from Gwithian beach near Hayle between the First and Second World Wars.

Although it has perched on the side of a cliff since the tin sand works closed in the late 1930s, a precarious clear-up of vegetation covering the cart two years ago, combined with some more recent cliff erosion, has made it more visible than it has been for decades.

With many people noticing the cart in the cliff for the first time, its appearance has prompted much wonder and speculation about how it got there.




A 100-year-old cart is emerging from a cliff at Gwithian after vegetation was cleared from around it two years ago, and some more recent erosion, making it more visible. The cart is thought to be part of the Gwithian Tin Works, which lifted tin-rich sand
With many people noticing the cart in the cliff for the first time, its appearance has prompted much wonder and speculation about how it got there
Aerial ropeway and buckets - Gwithian Tin Works c. 1930