Village News

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181105 | PA18/10457 | Construction of 24 new dwellings, internal shared surface access road of existing traffic signalled juncti

Construction of 24 new dwellings, internal shared surface access road of existing traffic signalled junction and associated parking and infrastructure - Foundry Yard Carnsew Road Hayle

Ref. No: PA18/10457 | Received date: Mon 05 Nov 2018 | Status: Pending Consideration | Case Type: Planning Application

4.34.  The site retains the potential to be developed under the 2012 retail permission
4.35.  The current landowner would prefer to see a comprehensive solution for the site and after evaluation of alternative use the location is considered most appropriate for residential use given its proximity to the town centre services and local public transport.


See also PA18_02360_PREAPP I Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) for residential development I Foundry Yard Foundry Lane Hayle Cornwall

Date Published Document Type Measure Drawing Number Description View
  09 Nov 2018 Legal Agreement Cannot Measure Document  DRAFT S.106 AGREEMENT View Document
  09 Nov 2018 Legal Agreement Measure Document  DRAFT S.106 GOONVEAN ENGINE AGREEMENT View Document
  09 Nov 2018 Legal Agreement Measure Document  DRAFT S.106 SITE PLAN View Document
  09 Nov 2018 Plan - Proposed Mixed Measure Document MH1106-05 REV B PROPOSED BLOCK 3 View Document
  09 Nov 2018 Plan - Proposed Mixed Measure Document MH1106-06 REV B PROPOSED BLOCK 4 View Document
  08 Nov 2018 Heritage Statement Measure Document  ARCHAEOLOGICAL TRIAL TRENCH EVALUATION View Document
  08 Nov 2018 Statement - Design and Access Cannot Measure Document  DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT View Document
  08 Nov 2018 Supporting Information Cannot Measure Document  RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION View Document
  08 Nov 2018 Statement - Traffic Management Report Cannot Measure Document  TRAFFIC STATEMENT View Document
  05 Nov 2018 Plan - Other Measure Document 031351 C312 REV16 FOUL WATER DRAINAGE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SHEET 3 View Document
  05 Nov 2018 Assessment - Ecological Cannot Measure Document  ECOLOGICAL APPRAISAL PHASE 1 View Document
  05 Nov 2018 Plan - Existing Block Measure Document MH1106-01 EXISTING SITE PLAN View Document
  05 Nov 2018 Heritage Statement Measure Document  HERITAGE IMPACT ASSESSMENT V1 View Document
  05 Nov 2018 Assessment - Noise Impact Cannot Measure Document  REPLY TO QUERIES View Document
  05 Nov 2018 Assessment - Noise Impact Cannot Measure Document  NOISE IMPACT STATEMENT View Document
  05 Nov 2018 Statement - Planning Cannot Measure Document  PLANNING STATEMENT View Document
  05 Nov 2018 Plan - Proposed Block Measure Document MH1106-02 REV A PROPOSED SITE PLAN View Document
  05 Nov 2018 Plan - Proposed Mixed Measure Document MH1106-03 REV C PROPOSED BLOCK 1 View Document
  05 Nov 2018 Plan - Proposed Mixed Measure Document MH1106-04 REV A PROPOSED BLOCK 2 View Document
  05 Nov 2018 Plan - Proposed Mixed Measure Document MH1106-07 REV A PROPOSED BLOCK 5 View Document
  05 Nov 2018 Plan - Other Measure Document MH1106-08 REV A PROPOSED BOUNDARY TREATMENT View Document
  05 Nov 2018 Plan - Site Sections Measure Document MH1106-09 EXISTING SITE SECTIONS View Document
  05 Nov 2018 Plan - Site Sections Measure Document MH1106-10 PROPOSED SITE SECTIONS View Document
  05 Nov 2018 Plan - Proposed Measure Document MH1106-11 PROPOSED SITE PLAN - BUILDING FOOTPRINTS View Document
  05 Nov 2018 Plan - Site Location Measure Document MH1106-00 LOCATION PLAN View Document
  05 Nov 2018 Assessment - Transport Cannot Measure Document  TRANSPORT STATEMENT View Document
  05 Nov 2018 Application Form Cannot Measure Document  APPLICATION FORM View Document
  05 Nov 2018 Correspondence In Cannot Measure Document  PLANNING APPLICATION COVERING LETTER View Document




PA18/10457 | Construction of 24 new dwellings, internal shared surface access road of existing traffic signalled junction and associated parking and infrastructure - Foundry Yard Carnsew Road Hayle
Proposed location of the Goonvean engine (outlined in red) 06/07/2015