Village News

Christmas Lights

200401 | Haylestones


From L – R David Birch. Trevor Smitheram, John Gurney,David Ellisdon, Ray Wyse, Mark Whiteside, Peter Thompson

From L – R
David Birch. Trevor Smitheram,
John Gurney,David Ellisdon,
Ray Wyse, Mark Whiteside,
Peter Thompson

You may have seen in the last
Pump that one of Harvey's
historic boundary marker stones
was at risk of falling from the cliff,
on the coastal path. It has now
been moved approximately 6
metres inland by myself and
seven volunteers from the Hayle
Old Cornwall Society.

We were led in our efforts by our
president Mr Trevor Smitheram,
formerly a civil engineer. The
stone was actually only about half
a metre from the edge, and it was
not easy to dig out. The weather
kept fine, but we worked in a cold,
blustery wind for nearly five hours
to remove the stone and re-erect
it in its new position, with only one
brief stop for lunchtime pasties

The stone is now easily visible
from both directions on the
coastal path and holds a much
greater command of the


From L – R David Birch. Trevor Smitheram, John Gurney,David Ellisdon, Ray Wyse, Mark Whiteside, Peter Thompson