141031 | PA14/10524 Submission of details to discharge conditions 33, 34 and 36 and 37 in respect of decision notice PA13/01370
Via http://planning.cornwall.gov.uk:8181/rpp/index.asp?caseref=PA14/10524
Case Number : | PA14/10524 |
Name or Detail | Received Date | |
Application for approval of details reserved by condition | 04/11/2014 |
Name or Detail | Received Date | |
Jim Budd | 04/11/2014 | |
Decision letter | 06/01/2015 |
Name or Detail | Received Date | |
SCP/14351/D03 | 04/11/2014 | |
SCP/14351/D02 | 04/11/2014 |
Name or Detail | Received Date | |
SCP/14351/D04 | 04/11/2014 |
Name or Detail | Received Date | |
Highways Agency | 22/12/2014 | |
Highways Agency | 22/12/2014 | |
Highways Agency | 23/12/2014 |
Name or Detail | Received Date | |
Technical Note - Transportation Planning : Infrastructure Design | 04/11/2014 |
http://planning.cornwall.gov.uk:8181/rpp/showimage.asp?j=PA14/10524&inde... [Please note passed through an OCR so please check original]
PA14/1052431 Southampton Row
T: 020 3376 6660
E: into@scptransport.co.uk
Transportation Planning : Infrastructure Design wwwscmranspon'co'uk
31st October, 2014
Jeremy Content
Planning, Housing & Regeneration Service
Cornwall Council
Dolcoath Avenue
Cornwall TR14 88X
Dear Mr Content,
I write on behalf of our clients, ING Red UK (Hayle Harbour) Ltd in relation to the above planningapplication at North Quay, Hayle Harbour, and have pleasure in enclosing details to discharge conditions
33, 34, 36 and 37.
A completed application form and a cheque for £97 plus VAT are enclosed.
The content provided in relation to each discharge of condition is outlined below.
Condition 33
Prior to commencement of development in each Development Area, condition 33 requires detailsof proposed street lighting, including measures to minimise light spill off-site, to be submitted to
and approved in writing by the LPA. Please find attached drawing ref: SCP/14351/003 which
provides details of the proposed Schreiber TECEO LED lighting column solution (6m and 1om
column heights are available). An indicative road alignment provides details of the lighting
contours from the 1om column to illustrate potential light spill containment.
Condition 34
Approval is sought from your authority with regard to the details of street furniture, traffic barriersand signage within the application site illustrated at our drawing SCP/14351/Do2.
Condition 36
in order to progress beyond my client’s restriction of 140 residential units and no further non-
residential development beyond Phase 1, details of the proposed improvements to the existing
double mini-roundabout solution at Carwin Rise are illustrated at drawing ref: SCP/14351/Do4 for
your authority’s approval. The scheme proposed is for the full signalisation of the junction in order
to better accommodate the needs of all road users.
A Technical Briefing Note has been prepared that compares the performance of the existing
double-mini-roundabout with the signalised solution and this will be forwarded under separate
cover. The key conclusions of this exercise are reported below.
The existing double-mini roundabout solution operates within practical reserve capacity levels
currently within the AM peak. During the PM peak, the modelling suggests that the approach from
the north is over practical reserve capacity levels by a significant margin, though all other arms
operate below practical reserve capacity levels. The effect of this is that any additional traffic
pushed through this junction by virtue of the further residential development coming forward
beyond the current 140-unit restriction at North Quay exacerbates the reduced level of service
already provided on the southbound approach in the PM peak.
In mitigation of this, the proposals provided at our drawing ref: SCP/t4351/Do4 provide for the full
signalisation of the junction with full accommodation for pedestrians across all arms. This scheme
accommodates the needs of right turners into Loggans Road and Guildford Road in a hooking-type
arrangement which we consider to be the correct solution for the staggered nature of these side
roads, particularly given the relatively lightly trafficked nature of these movements.
The solution releases substantial amounts of capacity in order to accommodate the additional
demands placed upon peak hour levels of service once future residential development comes on
stream, and not just that associated with Hayle Harbour. Assessed purely with existing turning
movements, the AM peak would have a total junction practical reserve capacity of around 34%. In
the more critical PM peak period, again under purely existing flow levels, a signalised solution
would afford a practical reserve capacity level of circa 10%.
With respect to the PM peak period, this confirms that flows across all arms of the junction could
increase by 10% before any one arm experiences a degree of saturation in excess of 90% (the
critical level for signals). This is equivalent to another 180 vehicles per hour being added to the
Again, our separate Technical Briefing Note provides further information with regard to the capacity
assessments undertaken.
Condition 37
In order to progress beyond my client's restriction of 270 residential units and no further non-
residential development beyond Phase 1, condition 37 requires details of proposed improvements
to the Loggans Moor and St Erth roundabout junctions for your authority's approval following
consultation with the HA. The potential off-site impact of residential development on North Quay
needs to be further quantified now in accordance with more realistic estimates of completions and
build-out rates given current market conditions. lNG's consent is for over 1,000 units. More
realistic estimates now put this number at circa 450.
If we use the same methodology that was used by lNG‘s former consultants, Vectos, to
demonstrate no net impact at Loggans Moor and St Erth - equivalent then to 240 units, given the
reduction in trips at both locations following the opening of the foodstore - then a further 210 units
would only produce an additional 82 two-way trips at Loggans Moor and 89 two-way trips at St Erth
roundabout in the PM peak. See below for clarification:-
- Number of additional units over the no-net impact figure of 240 units = 210;
- Agreed two-way residential trip rate for the PM peak = 0.576;
- Distribution via Loggans Moor = 68%;
- Distribution via St Erth = 32%
- Therefore, quantum of new trips at Loggans Moor is equivalent to 210 x 0.576 x 0.68 = 82;
- And quantum of new trips at St Erth is equivalent to 210 x 0.576 x 0.32 = 39.
As a result, we consider there to be no prospect of any material impact at either of these junctions
that could be considered severe in the light of NPPF and that consequently any obligation on ING
to provide further network capacity at either of these two junctions on the strategic highway
network should be removed.
I appreciate that you might need to take independent advice in order to confirm these conclusions.
However, if you are satisfied, I would be grateful if you would confirm that provided the totat
number of residential units at Hayle Harbour is restricted to circa 450, that the conditions to
improve Loggans Moor and St Erth are effectively discharged, albeit not in the way originally
In order to progress matters, I would welcome the opportunity now to meet with you and representatives
of the Highways Agency in order to expedite the discharge of the above conditions.
Yours sincerely
Jim Budd
On behalf of SCP
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Book page
- 140106 | Submission of details to discharge conditions 33, 34 and 36 and 37 in respect of decision notice PA13/01370 | Hayle Har
- 131023 | PA13/09720 | Submission of details to discharge conditions 6, 8 and 13 atatcehd to decision notice PA12/06501 | North Q
- PA16/02108 | Discharge of condition 8 in regards to PA13/05516 - Access To South Quay Hayle Cornwall | PA12/10064
- 100629 | W1/08-0613
- PA14/04724 | Installation of a pedestrian footbridge between Penpol Terrace and South Quay, Hayle | South Quay Hayle Cornwall
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