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190129 | PA18/04577 | Response to heritage, highways, SWCPA(coastal footpath), Police | Letter from Agent

29 January 2019


Dear Peter,

RE: HAYLE HARBOUR Application for the approval of

Reserved Matters for a first phase of development at North

Quay (Ref: PA18/04577)

Following a lengthy consultation period on the above application and
further to the comments which were received on 10" January 2019
collectively from the key heritage consultees (World Heritage Site
team, Historic England and CC’s conservation officer), we write to
set out our response to the comments in the form of focused
amendments to the scheme, as agreed.

Alongside revised architectural and landscape drawings, the
following reports are submitted:

  • Revised Landscape Management Statement
  • Revised Development and Design Statement
  • Revised Development Brief (see also our separate letter to you
  • dated 29 January 2019 in relation to application PA18/04552).
  • Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Addendum
  • Heritage Impact Assessment Addendum

Response to heritage comments

The revised scheme responds directly to the comments received,
most recently between September 2018 and January 2019, during
meetings with the applicant and the comments submitted as part of
the formal consultation on the application. This follows an extensive
engagement process with key stakeholders which began in early
2016, as set out more fully in the submitted Statement of
Engagement (dated May 2018).

The amendments to the scheme have resulted in a reduction in the
total number of units from 175 to 162 units, as a result of the

TABLE of specific block changes

 Block AAnthracite’ anodised aluminium cladding to be used in favour
of black zinc cladding
 Block B nO CHANGE
 Block C
Block C reduced in height from 6 storeys to 3 storeys and re-
located to the site of the former ‘coal heap’ directly adjacent
to North Quay Road. Coal heap re-located to the south of the
new location of Block C.
 Block DBlock D increased in height from 5 storeys to 6 storeys, with
enlargement of block to the eastern side.
 Block E
Block E reduced in height from 6 storeys to 5 storeys.
 Block F
Block F reduced in height from 4/5 storeys to 4 storeys, with
more glazing added to the ground floor elevations.
 Block G
Block G reduced in height from 4/5 storeys to 3 storeys, with
a change to the floor plate to provide a rectangular block.
 Block H
Block H reduced in height from 4 storeys to 3 storeys.
 Block FQ
No change


Response to highways comments

In response to the queries from Highways, the covered walkway accommodating the
pedestrian footway will be lit by recessed luminaires (uplighters), as illustrated in the detailed
plans for Block D.

Access to the parking allocated to Block A within the mews lane, is via North Quay Road, from
the eastern end of Block A.

The arrangements for surface and underground parking are detailed as part of the revised
drawings package (refs: 1820/P/013P3 and 1820/P/014P3). These two drawings set out how
designated and visitor parking is allocated to different blocks. Disabled spaces and parking for
bicycles and motorcycles/mopeds is also provided for.

Response to South West Coast Path Association comments

We have considered the response received from the South West Coast Path Association on 20
December 2018. We note the desire to have continuous estuary and harbour views along the
entire length of the coast path through North Quay. However, it would not be possible to
position the route of the coast path on the harbour side of Blocks A, G and H. The reasons for
this are twofold:

i) Working quayside - it would not be appropriate for the route of the coast path to utilise
the upper quayside to the south of blocks G and H as access would be required from the
lower quayside. As indicated previously, this would not be appropriate as this area is a
working quay which presents a potential risk to pedestrian safety and also falls under
the Hayle Harbour Act which has a statutory undertaking, exempted from coastal access

ii) Wharfhouses - the proposed route of the coast path in the eastern part of North Quay
follows the route of the upper quayside, to the north of the Block A wharfhouses. Whilst
views of the estuary and harbour would be more limited for this short stretch, the
provision of wharfhouses in this location responds to the site and its context. This
approach is welcomed by Historic England as a "means of visually tying the development
into the existing townscape around the [Grade II Listed] Harbourmaster’s office and the
villas of Clifton Terrace” (dated 11 July 2018). The provision of wharfhouses also
provides broader benefits in the form of a mix of dwelling types. It would therefore be
inappropriate to amend the route of the coast path in this location as it would result in
adverse impacts on the dwelling mix and to the relationship of the scheme with the
wider historic context.

As agreed with Natural England, the route of the coast path has been confirmed, using the
upper quayside level as the designated coast path route.


Response to police architectural liaison officer’ comments

We acknowledge the comments received from the police architectural liaison officer (dated 10
July 2018), with regards to the importance of providing clear demarcation between public and
private spaces.

With regards to the sheltered (private) gardens, boundary treatment will comprise free
standing metal posts with gated access, which will demarcate this space as private to residents.
North Quay Square has been designed to provide for pedestrian safety, through the use of soft
landscaping features such as tree planting and coal heaps and hard landscaping features
including bollards, walls and seating.

Next Stages

We understand that re-consultation will be undertaken with relevant consultees on the revised
application material for a period of 21 days. Subject to the comments received, we would be
grateful if you could confirm that the co-ordinated applications (PA18/04577 and PA18/04552)
will be taken to the meeting of the Strategic Planning Committee on 7 March 2019, with a
recommendation for approval.

If you have any queries, then please do not hesitate to contact Andrew Wintersgill or me.
Yours sincerely,

Joanne Cave




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