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190830 | Prorogue Protest Truro

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Hayle Prorogue Protest Truro o Pics by Lesley Perrin Claire from Hayle told us why she had come up to Truro and what she thought of Boris Johnson “I’m not a fan, no. He’s a bit of a buffoon and he’s not listening to what the majority...



Prorogue Protest Truro

Around a hundred or more protesters gathered in Truro today to show their anger at Boris Johnson’s move to prorogue, or suspend, parliament

They first gathered outside the Quay Street office of Sarah Newton MP and then, singing “Stop Brexit! Stop the Coup!” the protest moved to the pedestrianised area of Lemon Quay.

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Pics by Lesley Perrin


Claire from Hayle told us why she had come up to Truro and what she thought of Boris Johnson

“I’m not a fan, no. He’s a bit of a buffoon and he’s not listening to what the majority of the people want”

She added “I’ve got young kids and I don’t want them to grow up in a country where they have to be afraid, I don’t want them to grow up in a country where if they get poorly they have to fight for medication”

Jenny and her daughter Eliza came up from Carharrack. Jenny told us

“I’ve never protested before but we are a passionately European family always have been, even before the referendum happened, we are European.

Obviously we’ve been following the whole thing very carefully but after the events yesterday with the shutting down of parliament, that’s the trigger, I just felt we had to get out on the streets, out of frustration I had to do something”

Eliza from Carharrack


Following MP Sarah Newton’s comments on yesterday’s decision to prorogue Parliament, Ruth Gripper, anti Brexit Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate for Truro and Falmouth said:

“Sarah Newton’s comment that we should ‘keep things in perspective’ is frankly an insult to her constituents.

“Boris Johnson is shying away from the debate that is part and parcel of our democracy. His decision to prorogue parliament is an attempt to stifle that debate. It is an abuse of parliamentary procedure and people in Truro and Falmouth are rightly very angry about it. I joined protesters outside Sarah Newton’s office this morning to demonstrate the strength of feeling on this issue.

“I would hope our MP would be standing up against this decision at this critical moment.”

Ruth Gripper joined the protest outside Sarah Newton's office
Citing a Cornish Stuff article on local reaction to yesterday’s move by the Prime Minister, the Lib Dem candidate questioned Sarah Newton’s accuracy when the MP said “We need to put this in perspective as, by my calculation, there will not be a huge difference in the amount of time Parliament could be sitting.”
Gripper points to the independent fact checking website Full Fact, proroguing Parliament has reduced the number of sitting days available to consider Brexit from at least 22 (and potentially up to 33) to as little as 10.

The protest moved to Lemon Quay